Detention: An Indie Horror Game

After feeling disappointed with Evil Within 2, I decided to look for a new horror game to forget that horrid game.   I found Detention, watching a Youtube video clip, and so I gave it a shot.  I am not going to lie: survival horror/horror is my favorite video game genre and there is a good reason why.  But let’s not talk about that–leave it for another time. Let’s talk about the game.

This game is indeed creepy without the flashy stuff we see in AAA games.  You play a female protagonist, a teenage girl who is undergoing personal hardship.  Like the protagonist, I can recall experiencing that familiar overwhelming sadness when I was a teenager. I think it was so bad that the counselor and the school nurse had to check my wrists to see if I cut myself. Looking back, I think it was a typical thing for a teenage girl to go through (damn you hormones!).  So yeah, it’s kind of nice to play a character that I can relate to and a realistically feminine one.  A lot of games I’ve enjoyed in the past were largely male-based.  I have my reasons–that too, I will tell you, readers, at a later time.

I won’t say much more about this game because I encourage you to check it out for yourself. Oh, and one last thing I do want to point out about the game: the storytelling is ambiguous but not overly complex. The game has enough suspense and plenty of symbolic meanings, which I like very much.  There are 4 chapters and it didn’t take long to beat (around 2-5 hours). I think there are multiple endings, so replay value is good.

6 thoughts on “Detention: An Indie Horror Game

  1. Lise February 10, 2018 / 7:48 am

    This sounds really interesting 🙂 I might have to check it out after playing everything I want to get through.

    Liked by 1 person

    • halsdoll February 10, 2018 / 3:07 pm

      Yeah! 🙂 From reading your blog posts, I think you might find this game interesting. It feels like a novel without the words. I like that sort of thing because it makes you think.


  2. The Otaku Judge February 25, 2018 / 6:37 am

    I don’t usually give horror games a chance, as I am a coward, but I might try this one. The graphics look cool and I am always up for trying games that can be completed in a few hours.

    Liked by 1 person

    • halsdoll February 25, 2018 / 3:51 pm

      Admitting that you are a coward with horror games is a sign of bravery. 🙂 I appreciate your honesty.

      I wouldn’t say this game is scary. The horror atmosphere helps flesh out the story, in my opinion. So I think you will be fine. I’ll give you a tip, just so that you didn’t make the same mistake as me. You don’t need to play the entire game again to view different endings. Just start from the last chapter. The way you answer affects the ending you get. If you do play, let me know what you think. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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